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Showing posts from June, 2020

Immunity Explained - Ayurvedic Way

  In human beings, the basic immunity is weaker. Though, it can help fight with the new microbes by interacting with the environmental microbes. In this manner, it can help strengthen the human immunity. When going back to the past 40 years or above, one can understand that “usage of excessive  microbicidal ” in hygiene terms and less interaction with the soil, organisms, and plant results in weakening the immune system, irrespective of improvement in health.   In the present time, one can understand immunity as the “process of enzymes, cells, and  immunomodulatory chemicals  Immunity explained - Ayurvedic way.  functioning," which kills the pathogens, causing diseases. In terms of  Ayurveda , different categories of diseases include  Aganthu and  Nija .  Aganthu diseases occur due to external factors, including poor health, mental trauma, physical injuries, and so on. On the other hand,  Nija diseases occur due to an imbal...